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Fire Claims PPE

Fire claims aren’t just about checking out damage and snapping some photos. Well…they are, but let’s do it safely. 

Make sure you don’t breathe in a bunch of nasty toxins, track a fine layer of soot home with you, or get some awful work-stopping disaster, like stepping on something sharp and losing out because you’re in the hospital. (P.S. It’s hard to climb a ladder when your foot has stitches and glue holding it together.) Fire sites are messy, unstable, and full of things that can make you sick.

I asked an industrial hygienist what adjusters should be wearing and using when working a fire loss. Here’s what he said.

1. Respiratory Protection

Fire sites are full of fine particles. Some are irritating, and some are straight-up dangerous. A flimsy dust mask doesn’t cut it when working these claims.

  • N95 or P100 Filtering Facepiece Respirators – N95s do a solid job against soot and ash, but if you’re in an older building with potential asbestos or lead, go for a P100. It filters out 99.97% of airborne junk.
  • Elastomeric or Full-Face Respirators – If you’re dealing with major toxins, a half-face respirator with P100 filters or a full-face respirator (bonus: eye protection) is the way to go. OSHA requires fit-testing for respirators. Also, facial hair can mess up the seal, so be mindful if you’re rocking a beard and need the heavy stuff.

2. Protective Clothing & Skin Protection

You DO NOT want to bring fire site contaminants home like an unwanted souvenir.

  • Disposable Coveralls (e.g., Tyvek®) – Keeps ash, soot, and chemical residues off your clothes. You shouldn’t be, but if you’re dealing with hot/smoldering debris, flame-resistant versions are a must.
  • Gloves – Best practice? Thin nitrile gloves under cut-resistant work gloves. You get chemical protection and protection from sharp debris.
  • Footwear – Sturdy, closed-toe boots with puncture-resistant soles. Because nails in feet = bad day. Ask me how I know.

3. Eye and Face Protection

Flying debris, dust, and chemical irritants? No, thanks.

  • Safety Glasses or Goggles – Tight-seal goggles are best in high-dust or chemical environments.
  • Face Shields – Hopefully, not needed, but a solid add-on if there’s a risk of splashes.

4. General Safety Equipment

  • Hard Hat – If the structure is sketchy, and many fire-damaged buildings are, you need one.
  • First-Aid Kit – Minor injuries happen. Be ready.
  • Flashlights/Headlamps – Because the power is usually out, and trippin’ in the dark should be saved for raves.

5. Decontamination & Hygiene Practices

It’s not good enough to wear the PPE—you gotta remove it properly so you don’t bring contaminants (like ash and soot) into your happy space.

  • Donning & Doffing Procedures – Have a “clean zone” away from the site where you can take off gear properly. Pro Tip: Remove gear before you get in your car and have a bin to place the icky stuff into so you’re not junking up your vehicle.
  • Hand Hygiene – Wash up or use alcohol-based sanitizers before eating or touching anything personal.
  • Separate Clothing Storage – Keep personal stuff like phones and keys in a clean area, sealed away from contaminated gear.

Final Thoughts

The right PPE and good safety habits can make all the difference between a great deployment and a frustrating mess. 

  1. Know How to Put On and Take Off PPE – Do it wrong, and you could expose yourself.
  2. Maintain Your Gear – Replace filters, check for holes, clean things that need cleaning.
  3. Assess Structural Risks – If the building looks iffy, think twice before stepping inside.
  4. Document Everything – Photos, videos, and notes—before disturbing debris.
  5. Dispose of Contaminated Gear Properly – Follow local rules for hazardous waste.

Stay safe out there, y’all.

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