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Inside Insurance Adjuster

For a long time in the claims industry, insurance adjusters spent their days in the field, traveling from claim to claim, talking with policyholders, and inspecting damages in person. But, like most industries, new technologies have opened the industry to different positions within claim settlement. Enter the “inside adjuster.”

So what is an inside adjuster?

Inside adjusters, sometimes referred to as “desk” or “remote” adjusters handle claims from…you guessed it, inside. They are the policyholder’s main contact and the person who ultimately applies the insurance policy terms and standards to the claim. But they don’t actually go into the field and inspect the claim.

Insurance claims that get assigned to an inside adjuster are often small claims, those that equal $3,000 or less. The damage can be easily seen and causation is simple to determine. Theft, vandalism, or a small kitchen fire are examples of claims that may be assigned to a desk adjuster. But to settle the claim, information and proof are still required so inside adjusters may work with field adjusters or third-party inspection companies to obtain the information and photos they need for the claim file.

The partnership between inside adjusters and outside inspectors allows for a quicker and more efficient settlement process. This is especially important when it comes to smaller claims.

Where do inside adjusters work?

Most inside or desk adjusting jobs take place in an office or call center. There is often an inside adjusting team with a manager or supervisor available to assist. Both insurance carriers and independent adjusting firms use inside adjusters. Once of the most common places you’ll find inside adjusting positions is in the auto claims sector. If you’re intersted in adjusting auto claims, check out our Guide to Handling Auto Claims courses and blog.

We are often asked whether or not claims adjusters can work from home, or if inside adjusters work from home. More and more, remote adjusting positions are becoming available. But the standard, even for inside adjusters is to work in an office with a team.

Who are inside adjusters?

Inside adjusters can be anyone from a newly licensed and hired employee, to a veteran adjuster who isn’t comfortable climbing roofs anymore. Or anything in between. It’s truly a great entry-level job as it allows you to learn with support around you, something many independent adjusters don’t have. Once you gain experience and prove yourself, there are also opportunities for desk adjusters to move into management or training.

Inside adjusting is also great for those that want to be an adjuster but need to stay closer to home. Whereas independent adjusters love the adventure of getting a call and having to leave within 36 hours for a hurricane disaster zone for 8 weeks, inside adjusters, for one reason or another, usually want or need the opposite. It is a steady and reliable job where you know where you’ll be on the daily.

How do you become an inside adjuster?

Like any insurance claims adjuster, you will need to be licensed in your home state or designated home state. We also recommend Xactimate training since inside adjusters usually receive all the information from someone in the field, but still need to do the estimating themselves.

There are also some soft skills that are important if you want to be a successful inside adjuster. While these types of claims are often smaller, you are still dealing with people who’ve suffered damage and are often upset and frustrated. Since none of your communication takes place face to face, inside adjusters need to be excellent communicators, able to display patience and empathy through the phone and email.

Inside adjusters also need to be organized and detail-oriented since they aren’t handling every part of the claim. Being able to record information, parse out details from the policyholder’s story, work through the inspection information provided and turn it all around into a comprehensive claim settlement requires skill.

Open positions for inside adjusters can be found on standard job boards like Indeed.com or CareerBuilder.com. Most carriers also advertise these jobs on their own sites as well.

Today’s claims industry offers multiple paths to a successful career. It’s important to take some time to think about which type of position will work best for your lifestyle, family, and career goals. That being said, we always recommend saying “yes!” when you have an opportunity gain some experience. Even if inside adjusting isn’t your final goal, it’s a great way to learn about the industry and get your foot in the door with an employer.

If you have questions, contact us. We’re here to help.

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