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Customer service tip respond quickly

If we get a voicemail or email during business hours, we try to respond within an hour. That’s pretty crazy in the world of customer service! 

It’s a surprise and a delight to our students when they get an answer to their questions so quickly. 

We make this work by having a system that works well for us, and our customer service team tracks their average response time each week, which keeps everyone motivated to keep response times short.

Customer Service Tip respond quickly

A real image of our All-Lines Training Helpscout Inbox at Zero on April 29, 2024. While I was writing this blog post, I logged in and snapped what I saw.

Answering every message within an hour might not be a realistic possibility for everyone, especially if you’re out and about in the field. But timely responses make an impression. Create a schedule and a system that works for you, like answering all emails first thing in the morning. 

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