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Become a Louisiana Insurance Adjuster

Louisiana residents, follow our step-by-step guide below to get your Louisiana insurance claims adjuster license. We’ve also included information on how to renew your Louisiana license and what reciprocity looks like for LA adjusters so you’ll have everything you need to obtain and maintain your license.

Not a Louisiana resident? Visit the Louisiana Department of Insurance website to see details on getting your DHS or nonresident license.

Let’s get started!

#1: Meet the Basic Requirements for the Louisiana Adjuster License

Before you start taking steps to get your adjuster license, make sure you meet Louisiana’s basic requirements.

  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Be competent and trustworthy

If you meet these basic requirements, it’s time to strategize how to ace the Louisiana Adjuster state exam.

#2: Prepare for the Louisiana Adjuster License State Exam

While a pre-licensing course isn’t required by the state, we highly recommend you take the AdjusterPro Louisiana Adjuster Exam Prep Course so you’ll be fully prepared to ace the state exam.

Our course has been rigorously prepared and is regularly updated. Our online classroom allows you to print reference materials, take practice tests, and even create your own quizzes to help with subjects you are struggling with. Once you’re consistently making 90% on your practice tests and passing all the quizzes with flying colors…it’s exam time!

#3: Register for and Pass the Louisiana Adjuster License State Exam

Register for and take your Louisiana state exam through PSI.

The exam is 150 questions and you must score at least 70% to pass. Candidates who score below 70% will need to retake the exam and pay the exam fees again. You will be given 2 hours and 40 minutes to finish your exam.

PSI will send the Louisiana Department of Insurance (LDI) your test score, usually within a day or two.

How to Become an Insurance Adjuster in 5 Steps

Getting your home state or designated home state license is a great start. See what else it takes to establish a successful career in the insurance claims industry.

Read the Article

#4: Submit an Application for Your Louisiana Adjuster License  

Louisiana requires applicants to submit a fingerprint background check in conjunction with their license application. We recommend getting fingerprinted within a few days of passing your exam, as processing time ranges from 7 to 10 days. Process and submit Fingerprints according to Louisiana Department of Insurance (LDI) Fingerprints Requirements using the vendor IdentoGO.

Once you pass the exam and have been fingerprinted, submit an application for your adjuster license at the National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR).

You can check to see if your Louisiana Adjuster License has been issued through the LDI Search page.

#5: Complete Louisiana Continuing Education and License Renewal Requirements 

Once you have your license, you’ll need to complete some additional steps every few years to keep it active. Resident Louisiana adjusters are required to complete 24 hours of continuing education (CE) every two years. Three of these hours must be Ethics continuing education.

You cannot receive credit for any course more than once within any 2-year period. In other words, Louisiana adjusters can not complete a CE course again within 24 months after completing it originally – regardless of your license compliance cycle. Excess CE credits cannot be applied to the next compliance cycle.

AdjusterPro offers over 180 hours of state-approved continuing education courses for Louisiana adjusters. View Continuing Education Courses for Louisiana Insurance Adjusters.

Louisiana Adjuster licenses renew on the last day of the licensee’s birth month. Even-numbered licenses renew in even years and odd-numbered licenses renew in odd years. Renew your Louisiana license through NIPR.

Additional Information for Louisiana Insurance Adjusters

Now that you know how to become an adjuster, let’s take a detailed look at the fees and costs of getting and maintaining your license.

Louisiana Adjuster Licensing Fees

  • AdjusterPro Louisiana Exam Prep Course: $179
  • Exam Fee: $15
  • Licensing Fee: $55
  • Fingerprinting Fee: $60.75
  • License Renewal Fee: $50

Louisiana Adjuster License Reciprocity

Reciprocity means an adjuster holding a home state license can apply for an adjuster license in another state without having to take that state’s exam. If you want to learn more about reciprocity and why it’s vital to your success, visit our Reciprocity: The Truth About Adjuster Licensing Agreements Between States blog article.

Fees for reciprocal licenses vary by state, but on average you can expect to pay between $40 and $60 per application, although a few states charge up to $120. To see what states will offer reciprocal licensing privileges to Louisiana adjusters, visit our Louisiana Adjuster Reciprocity Map. At the bottom of the page, we also offer a downloadable guide to help you prioritize which reciprocal licenses you should get first.

Louisiana grants reciprocal licenses to adjusters who are licensed in their home state or adjusters who hold a Designated Home State (DHS) license, as long as the home or DHS state requires an examination. If you hold a Texas resident license, you will be required to submit proof of residency.

Louisiana Department of Insurance Contact Information

WebsiteLouisiana Department of Insurance

Mailing Address:
Louisiana Department of Insurance
PO Box 94214
Baton Rouge, LA 70804

Phone: Division of Producer Licensing
(225) 342-0860
(225) 342-3754 (Fax)

Email: [email protected]

Obtaining your home state license is the first step to a career as an insurance adjuster. Once you become a licensed insurance claims adjuster in Louisiana, you should apply for reciprocal licenses so you can work in more states, making you more attractive to potential employers.

No matter where you’re at in your insurance adjusting career, we can help.

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