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Part-Time Insurane Adjusting

UPDATED: We are occasionally asked about the compatibility of claims adjusting with an existing job. Could you become a part-time adjuster? There is a lot to consider so I think it’s worth discussing in more detail.

Understandably, many folks would like to supplement their existing income with another revenue stream.  Or, if they’re looking to make a career change, working as an adjuster part-time while making that transition is an attractive option. Independent claims adjusting seems like it could be a natural fit given that you do work as an independent contractor, and the seasonal nature of work volume might lend itself to doing other things. So, is insurance adjusting really compatible with an existing job?

I would propose that, in most cases, it is not. 

Part-Time Claims

For independent insurance adjusters, the type of claims handling where a few claims right next to home trickle in here or there over the course of a month, providing that extra $2,000 in income, is pretty rare. For those that do exist, that type of offer of employment will usually only be made to tried and trusted adjusters, those with proven experience, as opposed to someone just learning the ropes.

This happens for a few reasons. The first being that insurance claims volumes, even when lower, are unpredictable. Employers need stable, reliable adjusters who are available to work when and where they are needed on a daily basis. This is especially true for independent adjusters. If there are no claims in your city, they need to be able to send you two communities over to handle those claims. Especially if you are under contract. Why?

Because the faster claims get closed, the happier everyone involved is. Remember, the claim settlement process revolves around deadlines, both those promised to the customer by the insurer and those regulated by the government. If a claim comes in Wednesday night, but you are off Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, you can’t handle it. That leaves your employer in a bind.

Additionally, as a claims adjuster, you are working directly with the policyholders. You need to call them, discuss the event, schedule and perform inspections, potentially deal with contractors, and more. If you aren’t available half of the time, this process becomes even more time-consuming and difficult – two things no one wants when working on an insurance claim.

Catastrophe Claims & Seasonal Work

For those getting started in independent adjusting, opportunity generally knocks when a storm (CAT) has wrought widespread and significant damage. Demand for independent adjusters increases proportionately to the scale of damage caused by the storm. When the tipping point is reached, new folks on the outside looking in are suddenly thrust into deployment. 

When those CAT claims are assigned, it’s a 24/7 commitment. The working conditions are tough and to get through your assignments, you need to work as much as you are physically capable. It is simply not something you can do part-time effectively. While that sounds daunting, remember, this is why you can earn so much money on a CAT deployment.

But CAT claims do offer another type of non-traditional work. It’s not part-time in the traditional sense, but more of a ‘full-time, part of the time’ style work.

We’ve talked with and profiled a lot of independent adjusters over the years, and one thing most love about their job is the flexibility. Because you are contracted, you can choose what assignments to take and when. Many veteran adjusters choose to work during storm seasons or large-scale CAT events, and take on smaller deployments or daily claims for a certain part of the year. During that time they work their tails off.

Then, they may take days, weeks, or even months off. We know an adjuster who works diligently, traveling all over the country, and then spends a month at the beach. Another of our alumni spends a few months following the NASCAR circuit during his month off.

I would caution you against thinking this is a perk automatically granted to independent adjusters, or adjusters just entering the field. You must work hard, establish a strong reputation, and earn employers’ respect to be able to turn down employment offers to take time off. If you are just starting out and turn down contract offers, those offers will usually dry up quickly.

Daily Claims & Inside Adjusting

Since the pandemic hit in 2020, we have started to see more opportunities to work part-time as an inside or desk adjuster. These roles can range from an entry-level position whose job it is to support the field staff, all the way up experienced file reviewers who are needed to review large-scale, complicated claims paperwork.

At the end of the day, part-time insurance adjuster jobs are still relatively rare. If this is a career you are truly interested in, we recommend jumping in at the first opportunity and working hard to establish yourself and your reputation. Part-time positions, working from home, daily claims, and lots of time off are benefits that usually become available once you have proven your reliability and earned the trust of your employers.

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