
Winter storms are causing claims across multiple states. Register for our free webinar and learn what it takes to become an adjuster.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is reciprocity?

    Reciprocity, or reciprocal licensing privileges, allows a licensed adjuster to obtain another state’s license without having to pass that specific state’s exam. Thank goodness, right? Once you have your home state or DHS license, you can apply for other state licenses through reciprocity.

    It’s not automatic – you will need to complete the required paperwork and submit the licensing fees, but most licensing states are now reciprocal with each other, as long as your home state or DHS license holds the lines of authority that you are requesting from the new state. For example, if you hold a P&C Adjuster License, you are only qualified for a P&C reciprocal license in another state. You cannot obtain a reciprocal All-Lines license if your home state or DHS license is for P&C, because it covers fewer lines of authority.

    There are some additional caveats – New York, California and Hawaii do not reciprocate with any other state for example. You can read more about the importance of reciprocity here – Reciprocity: The Truth About Licensing Agreements.

    It’s also important to note that reciprocity doesn’t always go both ways. For example, New York doesn’t offer reciprocal licenses to licensed adjusters from any other state. However, there are plenty of states that will offer licensed New York adjusters a reciprocal license.

    To learn what states will offer you a reciprocal license, visit our reciprocity map and click on your state.

  • Do I need a license to be a claims adjuster?

    Yes! While there are 16 states that still do not license claims adjusters, the majority of states do. Employers, either insurance carriers or Independent Adjusting Firms, need adjusters who can work a multitude of claims in a variety of areas. You will give yourself the best chance for employment by obtaining your home state, or ‘designated home state’ license, and then getting reciprocal licenses so you can work in other states as well.

  • What if my home state doesn’t license? What is a DHS license?

    If you live in a non-licensing state, you should obtain a “Designated Home State” or DHS license. A DHS license basically works just like having your home state license and is vital if you want to work any claims outside of your non-licensing state. If you live in Kansas for example, you can adjust claims there without a license, but you can’t go work claims in Florida or Texas.

    While a host of different states offer a DHS license, we recommend obtaining the Florida 70-20 Nonresident DHS license. It offers great reciprocity and Florida has the quickest application turnaround time in the country.

    States that do not currently license adjusters: Colorado, District of Columbia, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, and Wisconsin.

  • Why should I choose AdjusterPro?

    Our team is passionate about providing the best insurance training courses and online classroom experience in the industry. We are committed to helping you succeed at every step of your adjusting career.

    At AdjusterPro, we believe in serving our customers with transparency, honesty, and adhering to the Golden Rule, treating others as we would want to be treated.

    Building our company upon these principles, here are a few other ways we differentiate from the competition:

    • We offer over 170 courses – the most comprehensive catalog in the country
    • Our simple, engaging online training was created to help you comprehend and retain information
    • Keeping your license compliant is simple with our convenient continuing education courses
    • You’ll receive honest answers from our dedicated (real-people) customer engagement team
    • 50 states strong: we offer a path to licensing for every state
    • Over 50,000 people have trained with us
    • 8 of the country’s top 10 insurance carriers train with AdjusterPro
    • 98.4% customer satisfaction rating
    • AdjusterPro is more than just online courses. We’re the nation’s go-to resource for all things adjuster. Whether it’s licensing, reciprocity, CE, networking, tips of the trade, or career advice, we’ve got you covered.

    Whether you are just starting to explore the insurance claims industry, a Fortune 500 company, or are a veteran adjuster looking for additional training, we are here to help you reach your goals and achieve success.

Download The Guide:
Top 10 States for Reciprocal Licenses