To obtain your Florida adjuster license, complete the following steps:
1. Meet the basic Florida Adjuster Licensing Requirements
- Be a natural person at least 18 years of age
- Be a resident of the State of Florida
- Be a United States citizen or legal alien who possesses a work authorization from the United States Immigration and Naturalization Services
2. Complete the required Florida Certified Designation Course with state exam through AdjusterPro
3. Submit your application through MyProfile. Make sure you understand and are applying for the correct Florida license type.
4. Process and submit Fingerprints according to instructions at Florida Department of Financial Services (FLDFS) Fingerprinting Requirements
5. If required, submit Proof of Citizenship Documentation
6. Applicants concerned with criminal background questions can get more information on the FLCFO Criminal History page.
7. Check to see if your license has been issued by logging into MyProfile
8. FOR INDEPENDENT ADJUSTERS: Florida requires that you self-appoint your license. Once you have your license number, complete the following steps:
- Go to MyProfile and log in to your account.
- Select the “Access eAppoint” button under “Apply”. If you have never used eAppoint, you must first register and will need to select “Register to become an appointing entity”.
Once in the eAppoint Workbench, select the required tab (New Appointment, Renew Appointment, or Terminate Appointment).
- Follow the instructions on the page.
- Pay the $60 fee.
- Detailed instructions are available on the FLDFS Appointing Registration page.
Appointments must be renewed every 24 months during the appointee’s birth month.
See additional licensing details, including nonresident information at FLDFS Licensing Information. Or read complete licensing and compliance instructions in our How to Become an Insurance Adjuster in Florida article.